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ThreatConnect Acquires Polarity to Transform How Security Uses Intelligence
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Threat Detection

Threat detection and response are primary elements for success in modern cybersecurity frameworks. With the appropriate actions and tools, your security team enjoys faster discovery and quicker response and remediation. Today’s businesses increasingly adopt proactive stances and advanced solutions like threat detection software to support their cybersecurity efforts.

Sophisticated Software for Cyberthreat Detection

The ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape means companies must have a multilayered approach to provide their IT systems and data assets the best protection. Threat detection capabilities identify intruders using various means to gain unauthorized system access. As part of their value, these programs:

  • Manage vulnerabilities proactively and more effectively.
  • Alert security personnel to a possible intrusion as it happens.
  • Help prioritize unique system risks.
  • Empower rapid incident response to limit potential damage.
  • Identify advanced persistent threats to inform remediation strategies.

Why Your Company Needs Threat Detection for Cybersecurity

According to an IBM 2022 study, the average cost of a data breach in the United States is $9.44 million, over double the global average. Those potential financial losses are a primary reason to invest in robust threat detection solutions. Additionally, companies experiencing breaches may also:

  • Incur regulatory penalties and fines.
  • Suffer reputational loss.
  • Have to compensate customers affected by a breach.

Threats come from multiple malware sources, where an attacker introduces harmful software to a system to damage it. Typical types include:

  • Worms: These are stand-alone programs that can replicate and spread without attaching to files. They leverage system vulnerabilities and use network resources to infect additional components.
  • Viruses: These programs reproduce and modify existing application codes. They rely on spreading through file attachments, where a user infects their own systems by opening a compromised file.
  • Denial-of-service (DoS) and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks: These involve directing so much traffic to a resource that normal traffic can’t connect. DoS refers to single-source attacks, while DDoS ones are large-scale and can cause substantial system downtime.
  • Ransomware: These effectively take business data hostage under threat of destruction or disclosure if the company refuses to pay the ransom demand. Bad actors often use them as a distraction to divert security resources so they can get to their real goal unimpeded.
  • Cryptomining malware: These programs are parasitic and redirect your network’s processing power to cryptocurrency mining efforts. The results range from slow systems to ones that entirely crash.

Why Work With ThreatConnect for Threat Detection and Prevention?

ThreatConnect offers the industry’s first threat intelligence operations platform that goes beyond traditional threat intelligence platforms to help security teams detect and respond faster and with more precision.

As pioneers in the space, our teams do things differently. We embrace innovation and proprietary technology to help you transform threat intelligence from tactical to operational across your enterprise. Our expanding industry awards case demonstrates a commitment to professional excellence backed by a dedication to personalized service and support.

Contact ThreatConnect for a Demo

We’re confident you’ll find our comprehensive solution as the ideal threat-detection complement to your existing security tools. Take a closer look at the Platform and its features with an introductory tour. Request your demo today to get started.