Make Intel Available Anywhere
Identify relevant intel and context in real-time within your browser. Quickly and easily memorialize intel directly into your threat library.
Unlock Your Threat Intel
Intelligence Anywhere is a lightweight browser plugin that makes the Threat Library accessible via any web-based interface, like a webpage or SIEM console. Stop wasting time flipping between consoles.

AI-powered Intel Insights
Leverages CAL’s AI, such as ML and NLP, to detect MITRE ATT&CK and threat actor aliases, saving analysts time and effort.

Unleash Your Threat Intelligence

Democratize Access to Threat Intelligence
Read the blog to learn more about the benefits of Intelligence Anywhere.

Dive Deeper into How Intelligence Anywhere Works
Read our solution brief on Intelligence Anywhere to learn more.

Go Beyond Just Managing Threat Intel
See the ThreatConnect TI Operations Platform in action