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Top 5 Best Practices to Continuously Improve Your Intelligence Requirements

Organizations must adopt a practice of continuous improvement to maintain relevant and agile intelligence requirements, which are crucial in today’s rapidly evolving cyber threat landscape. Here are the top five best practices for refining and updating your intelligence requirements to stay ahead of evolving threats.

1. Regularly Monitor and Assess the Threat Landscape and Adjust Requirements

Cyber threats are dynamic and constantly changing. New vulnerabilities are discovered every day. Threat actor tactics, techniques, and infrastructure change with increasing frequency. To keep intelligence requirements up-to-date, organizations should evaluate and update their requirements on a regular schedule, i.e., quarterly, bi-annually, or annually. This involves:

  • Staying Informed: Stay current with the newest threat intelligence reports, security bulletins, and industry news to stay ahead of potential cybersecurity risks.
  • Threat Analysis: Regularly analyze emerging threats and their potential impact on your organization.
  • Updating Requirements: Adjust intelligence requirements to address new threats, ensuring your organization can proactively respond.

2. Align Intelligence Requirements with Organizational Changes

As organizations grow, e.g., through mergers and acquisitions, and evolve, e.g., increased outsourcing of business activities, their risk profiles and strategic priorities change. Intelligence requirements must reflect these changes. To achieve this:

  • Regular Reviews: Conduct periodic intelligence requirements reviews to ensure they align with current business operations and objectives.
  • Stakeholder Input: Engage with different departments to understand their unique threat concerns and adjust requirements accordingly.
  • Dynamic Adjustments: Be ready to make swift adjustments as the organization adopts new technologies or enters new markets.

3. Foster Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration

Effective intelligence requirements involve input from stakeholders. Fostering collaboration across departments ensures comprehensive coverage of potential threats. Best practices include:

  • Cross-Functional Teams: Create teams with members from security operations, IT, marketing, HR,, and other relevant departments to review and update intelligence requirements.
  • Regular Meetings: Meet to discuss emerging threats and gather insights from different perspectives.
  • Shared Responsibility: Promote a culture where cybersecurity is seen as a shared responsibility across the organization.

4. Ensure Compliance and Regulatory Alignment

The regulatory landscape for cybersecurity is continuously evolving. Regularly updating intelligence requirements ensures compliance with new standards and reduces the risk of penalties. Key steps include:

  • Compliance Audits: Conduct regular audits to identify gaps in compliance with regulations like PCI DSS, ISO27001/2, DORA, etc.
  • Regulatory Updates: Stay informed about changes in regulatory requirements and adjust intelligence requirements to meet these standards.
  • Documentation: Maintain thorough documentation of compliance-related adjustments to intelligence requirements.

5. Utilize Feedback and Lessons Learned

Continuous improvement thrives on feedback and learning from past experiences. Incorporating lessons learned into intelligence requirements helps fine-tune them. Effective strategies include:

  • Post-Incident Analysis: Conduct a thorough review after a security incident to identify gaps in intelligence requirements and make necessary adjustments.
  • Feedback Loops: Establish feedback mechanisms where employees can report on the effectiveness of current intelligence requirements and suggest improvements.
  • Training and Awareness: Regularly train employees on the importance of intelligence requirements and how they can contribute to continuous improvement.

ThreatConnect Advantage

ThreatConnect’s Intelligence Requirements feature supports continuous improvement of intelligence requirements. It allows organizations to seamlessly integrate threat intelligence with their operational workflows, ensuring that intelligence requirements are always relevant and actionable. Organizations can:

  • Centralize Threat Intelligence: Consolidate and manage threat intelligence from various sources in one place, making it easier to stay informed about the latest threats.
  • Automate Updates to Requirements: Automatically adjust intelligence requirements based on the latest threat data and organizational changes, reducing the manual effort required to keep them current.
  • Facilitate Collaboration: Foster cross-functional collaboration by providing a platform where stakeholders from different departments can contribute insights and updates.
  • Incorporate Feedback: Utilize feedback loops and post-incident analyses to continually refine and improve intelligence requirements.

Adopting these best practices to continuously improve intelligence requirements ensures they remain relevant, effective, and aligned with the evolving threat landscape and organizational changes. Organizations can maintain a strong and dynamic threat intelligence capability by consistently monitoring, aligning with organizational priorities, promoting stakeholder collaboration, ensuring compliance, and integrating feedback. This proactive approach enables them to stay one step ahead of cyber adversaries and effectively safeguard their assets.

Want to Learn More?

We offer a variety of ways you can learn more about the ThreatConnect TI Ops Platform. Take an interactive tour, check out our website, or request a demo to learn more about how ThreatConnect can help you operationalize your threat intel program. To find out more about Intelligence Requirements, check out this guide.

About the Author

Dan McCorriston

Dan McCorriston is a Senior Product Marketing Manager for ThreatConnect. He is passionate about technology, collaborating with developers, identity, and cybersecurity. Out of the office, he likes to hike, cook and spend time with his family.