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Preparing for Black Hat 2023: How To Stay Safe at One Of The Largest Cybersecurity Conferences

BlackHat 2023 is just around the corner, and before you head out to Vegas, it’s important to ensure your devices are secure and know what to look out for. To help attendees prepare for their security during the conference, here are some best practices to follow:

  1. Avoid public Wi-Fi networks, including hotel networks. Wi-Fi compromise is a very common attack vector at conferences like this and can be achieved with cheap hardware and minimal know-how. Using your own cellular hotspot is strongly recommended if Wi-Fi access is necessary in non-conference areas. Always be careful if you choose to plug your device into a network connection or USB charger. Remember – don’t just trust and always verify.
  2. Patch all devices you plan on bringing to the conference. Updating your devices to the latest versions is essential for staying secure in this environment. It can also be useful to reach out to IT ahead of time if you are using a company device and ensure it has already been patched before arriving at Black Hat 2023.
  3. Turn off Bluetooth on all of your devices. Exploiting Bluetooth is much easier than most other attack vectors and requires little know-how and relatively cheap hardware, so it is important to keep this switched off while at the conference.
  4. Avoid picking up unknown devices in the conference area, such as USB drives left around. Plugging an unknown device into your computer can easily compromise it and its data – so don’t take the risk!
  5. Avoid ATMs around the conference area altogether, as they may be equipped with credit card skimmers that could steal your information. If possible, travel with enough cash for food and other incidentals during your stay.
  6. Protect your RFID-enabled devices with RFID sleeves. Skimming has been around since RFID-enabled items such as contactless credit cards have been in use, and you can find inexpensive sleeves for these items on Amazon or other online retailers.
  7. One of the most common attacks seen at conferences like this is phishing emails, so be sure to double-check all incoming emails from anyone you don’t know. If an email looks suspicious, delete it immediately, and double-check any links or attachments before clicking on them.
  8. Use multi-factor authentication whenever possible! This extra layer of security will help keep your data safe even if someone does manage to gain access to your account.

In addition, it is important to remember that security threats extend beyond technology. As with any conference, people will attempt to scam or manipulate attendees throughout Black Hat 2023. Be wary of anyone offering special deals or opportunities that sound too good to be true – they usually are! Also, keep your valuables safe and secure while out in Las Vegas, especially during conferences with higher foot traffic than usual. By following these best practices before, during, and after Black Hat 2023, you can ensure you have a safe and secure experience at the conference.

Good luck, and stay safe!

About the Author

Anjali Chauhan

Anjali Chauhan, Content Marketing Manager at ThreatConnect has 4 years of experience in Marketing, Content Creation, and Digital Marketing. Her passion lies in creating meaningful and impactful content. Some of Anjali's favorite hobbies include listening to music from the 80s and 90s, dancing, and spending time with her younger sister.