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ThreatConnect Acquires Polarity to Transform How Security Uses Intelligence
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How to Improve Collaboration with Security Teams and Technology using ThreatConnect

ThreatConnect is an intelligence-led, SOAR Platform. We bring a critically important solution to market for our clients as we combine our world-class Threat Intelligence Platform with SOAR under one banner. This ensures that intelligence feeds operations and operations informs intelligence for future actions, continually improving the time to detect and respond to threats.

In our other recent posts, we talked about building a single source of truth with ThreatConnect, and how to improve accuracy and efficiency of your security operations through our unique approach to SOAR. But did you know that with ThreatConnect, you can improve collaboration across your teams and technology?

With ThreatConnect you can:

  • Breakdown the silos of disparate tools and teams to fully leverage security investments
  • Reduce staff workload through extensive automation of repeatable processes and tasks, and
  • Share intelligence with technology, teams, executives, and industry peers

Using the ThreatConnect Platform, you are able to continuously share information across your team and technology to provide the information needed to do their jobs better. By working out of a central location everyone is kept informed and up to date on what needs to be done. ThreatConnect provides multiple ways of supporting integrations which lets your team work collaboratively with the technology they’re currently using while allowing for changes.

Fully Leverage Security Investments

Leveraging multiple SDKs and an App Framework for community development, the ThreatConnect Platform incorporates hundreds of intelligence sources as well as hundreds of enrichment, processing, and integration apps that can be used to improve intelligence and drive operations across any process in your security team’s technology stack. Our focus is not simply to take feeds of data from the internet and fire hose them into our customers’ networks, but rather to refine data a customer has from any relevant source into an intelligence service for various security teams. Each of these services enables the business to integrate data, analyze it to add context and determine relevance, provide insights and recommendations, and most powerfully – to orchestrate and automate to take immediate action when appropriate.

A true SOAR platform should allow you to grow the technology to suit the needs of your people and processes. ThreatConnect’s SDKs and App Framework have enabled our customers to grow far beyond our hundreds of supported out-of-the-box applications to ensure that ThreatConnect works the way they want. Of course, these user-built apps (and Playbooks, see below) shouldn’t serve only the individual who built them. If someone solves a difficult security problem, we believe that the entire infosec community should benefit. To that end, we’ve provided mechanisms for sharing in a variety of ways for teams through in-platform features like Comments and Posts, through third-party integrations with tools such as Slack, or through our GitHub repository. These resources allow ThreatConnect users and engineers to contribute and collaborate on apps and Playbooks built using our Platform.

Enable Repeatable Processes and Tasks

Orchestration and automation can help by delegating certain tasks to machines and removing unnecessary human roadblocks. Using Playbooks, teams can automate almost any cybersecurity task using an easy drag-and-drop interface. Once enabled, Playbooks run in real time and provide you with detailed information about each execution. When paired with real-time team collaboration functionality, your team will be able to reduce the response time, including containment and remediation, to seconds — not days or weeks. Using an intel-led SOAR Platform like ThreatConnect can help incident response teams coordinate multiple streams of activity handled by different people, all with different roles and expertise, to support a comprehensive response to a security incident.

Sharing with Technology and Teams 

Documenting your processes, while still allowing for the necessary flexibility required with investigations, allows response efforts to begin more quickly and creates consistency across your team. With ThreatConnect, you can design Workflow templates or leverage ThreatConnect-built templates, then import those templates into your organization’s instance for further customization and usage.

With Workflow, your team has a central location to interact with all information related to the case at hand. ThreatConnect’s in-platform case management solution allows you to not only manage active cases, but also enrich them with both internal and external threat intelligence. Then, add new intelligence from those cases back into the Platform. And, within a Case, add Notes for additional context to what’s happening during an investigation and communicate that with other team members.

With ThreatConnect, your entire security team can work out of a single Platform to ensure efforts are being streamlined across case management, security orchestration, and threat intelligence initiatives.

Think of ThreatConnect as the central nervous system for your cybersecurity ecosystem. It is a place for the entire security team to work faster, smarter, and together.

To learn more, let us give you a demo.

About the Author


By operationalizing threat and cyber risk intelligence, The ThreatConnect Platform changes the security operations battlefield, giving your team the advantage over the attackers. It enables you to maximize the efficacy and value of your threat intelligence and human knowledge, leveraging the native machine intelligence in the ThreatConnect Platform. Your team will maximize their impact, efficiency, and collaboration to become a proactive force in protecting the enterprise. Learn more at