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ThreatConnect Acquires Polarity to Transform How Security Uses Intelligence
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ThreatConnect Risk Quantifier

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Cyber Risk Quantification (CRQ) is a critical part of cybersecurity that will fundamentally change the way security works and how risk is communicated to business stakeholders. CRQ technology gives security teams the tools to translate cybersecurity into financial risk and business impact, which allows for proactive cyber defense and data-driven decision-making across the board.

ThreatConnect Risk Quantifier® (RQ) helps security organizations maximize insights for the business by using automation to help you quantify cyber risk in financial terms. Our platform applies risk and financial models based on your business, your technical environment, and industry data, so you can make strategic and tactical-level decisions to mitigate financial risk to the organization.

With ThreatConnect RQ, you can maximize efficiency and collaboration between all stakeholders by providing them with regularly updated results in just hours. 

Read more about ThreatConnect’s Risk Quantifier here:

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