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Practical Cyber Risk Quantification Usage & Real Life Scenarios Webinar

Cyber risk quantification webinar on practical CRQ uses

In this discussion, our general manager of risk products Jerry Caponera and Shreeji Doshi, AMD in Kroll’s Cyber Risk business, dove into the real-life applications of cyber risk quantification, common pitfalls for adoption, and more importantly where the biggest wins lie – especially when it comes to having the discussion around prioritization as it can make communications with the board / senior management more articulate in terminology that they are comfortable with. In addition, they explored how cyber risk quantification can help in conversations around Cyber insurance.

Watch this webinar on-demand and you’ll come out of the session with:

  • A view into how companies of different sizes are managing the implementation and adoption of risk quantification – both successfully and sometimes unsuccessfully
  • How quantification discussions are driving boards and senior management engagement and often generating more trust in the infosec team/CISO
  • Possible applications of risk quantification ahead of cyber insurance renewals, and how the market is changing
  • How to handle common objections to and skepticism around risk quantification