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ThreatConnect Acquires Polarity to Transform How Security Uses Intelligence
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ThreatConnect Platform 7.0 Enables Organizations To Modernize Security Operations

ThreatConnect released ThreatConnect Platform 7.0 designed specifically for TI Ops. The new release increases the effectiveness of threat intelligence analysts and security operations teams by bringing together the power of human analysis, ML-powered analytics and intelligence, and automation.

ThreatConnect Platform 7.0

“Legacy approaches to threat intelligence are no longer sufficient to protect the enterprise in a world of an expanding attack surface and increasing velocity and sophistication of threats,” said Andrew Pendergast, EVP of Product at ThreatConnect.

“Security operations must modernize by adopting a new approach that puts threat intelligence at the core of everything – aggregating TI from multiple sources, prioritizing the most dangerous threats, and taking timely action so security programs can be strategic and proactive,” added Pendergast.

The ThreatConnect Platform enables organizations to achieve alignment between security operations and the critical risks to the business as well as better security efficiencies and greater effectiveness, including faster time to mitigate critical vulnerabilities and faster mean time to detect (MTTD) and respond (MTTR) to threats.

Continue reading about ThreatConnect’s 7.0 launch here: HelpNet Security – Industry News