Cyberinsurance emerged into the mainstream in 2020. In 2021 it found its sums were wrong over ransomware and it had to increase premiums dramatically. In 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine with the potential for more serious and more costly global nation state cyberattacks – and Lloyds of London announced a stronger and more clear war exclusions clause.
Higher premiums and wider exclusions are the primary methods for insurance to balance its books – and it is already having to use both. The question for 2023 and beyond is whether the cyberinsurance industry can make a profit without destroying its market. But one thing is certain: a mainstream, funds rich business like insurance will not easily relinquish a market from which it can profit.
It has a third tool, which has not yet been fully unleashed: prerequisites for cover.
The Lloyd’s war exclusion clause and other difficulties
The Lloyd’s exclusion clause dates to the NotPetya incident of 2017. In some cases, insurers refused to pay out on related claims. Josephine Wolff, an associate professor of cybersecurity policy at Fletcher, Tufts, has written a history of cyberinsurance titled Cyberinsurance Policy: Rethinking Risk in an Age of Ransomware, Computer Fraud, Data Breaches, and Cyberattacks.
“Merck and Mondelez, sued their insurers for denying claims related to the attack on the grounds that it was excluded from coverage as a hostile or warlike action because it was perpetrated by a national government,” she explains. However, an initial ruling in late 2021, unsealed in January 2022, indicated that if insurers wanted to exclude state-sponsored attacks from their coverage they must write exclusions stating that explicitly, rather than relying on boilerplate war exclusions. Merck was granted summary judgment on its claim for $1.4 billion.
The Russia/Ukraine kinetic war has caused a massively increased expectation of nation state-inspired cyberattacks against Europe, the US, NATO, and other west-leaning nations. Lloyds rapidly responded with an expanded, but cyberinsurance-centric, war exclusion clause excluding state-sponsored cyberattacks that will kick in from March 2023.
But “who gets to decide whether an attack is state-sponsored?” asks Wolff. “And what does it even mean for the attack to be state sponsored: that it was perpetrated by government employees? Or paid for by a government? Or even just tacitly permitted by a government? And state-sponsored cyberattacks are not rare occurrences – an exclusion for them is very different from a war exclusion that deals with a fairly well-specified and infrequent event.”
She is not alone with such concerns. “The issue here lies in the murky waters of attribution” explains Chris Denbigh-White, cybersecurity strategist at Next DLP. “Was the attack ‘state-conducted?’ Was it ‘state sponsored?’ Was it ‘state inspired?’ or was it simply a criminal organization piggybacking an existing conflict for financial gain?”
“Looking ahead,” continued Wolff, “I think insurers and their policyholders are going to find themselves mired in a lot of fights about attribution and how to define what makes a cyberattack state-sponsored or catastrophic or uninsurable.” Two things are certain: security defenders will have increased questions over the cost/return value of cyberinsurance, while insurers will be seeking new ways to ensure their market doesn’t disappear.
The insurers have one major advantage: insurance has been a staple part of business for centuries, and business leaders don’t seem inclined to exclude it from security. Joseph Carson, chief security scientist and advisory CISO at Delinea, notes that his own firm’s survey reveals 33% of IT decision makers applied for cyberinsurance due to a requirement from their board and executive management.
He also notes that 80% had subsequently called upon that insurance with more than half doing so more than once. “As a result of more cyber insurance policies being introduced, and ultimately many businesses needing to use them,” he comments, “the cost of cyber insurance is continuing to rise at alarming rates. I expect to see this continue in 2023.”

The insured’s concern over a falling return on investment is not the only worry for the insurers – whether we are in a defined recession or not, the world is certainly suffering an economic downturn. This is already having affecting security budgets. “Companies spent massively during the pandemic, and now that the economy has cooled, spending will go back to 2019/2020 levels,” explains Jerry Caponera, GM at ThreatConnect.
Continue reading Jerry’s observations here: SecurityWeek – CISO Strategy