Intel 471 provides an actor-centric intelligence collection capability for its customers. Their intelligence collection focuses on infiltrating and maintaining access to closed sources where threat actors collaborate, communicate and plan cyber attacks. Intel 471 is active in places where entry is highly guarded, such as underground marketplaces and chat rooms. The team is comprised of skilled and experienced professionals from intelligence services, military, law enforcement, and private threat intelligence companies. The mission of Intel 471 is to protect your organization, your products, your assets and your people.
The integration between ThreatConnect and Intel 471 provides users with two feeds - Adversary Intelligence and Malware Intelligence. By combining Intel 471’s Adversary Intelligence (from the cybercriminal underground) and Malware Intelligence (from malware analysis, campaign tracking and bot emulation) capabilities, this integrated offering provides comprehensive intelligence into threat actors across the globe among the various environments in which they communicate and operate, along with the technical insight into the malware they are developing and using.
Intel 471 Adversary Intelligence Job App
Intel 471 Information Reports: Tactical and operational intelligence reports on notable cyber activity derived from human intelligence sources and engagement with threat actors and communication channels.
Intel 471 FINTEL: A number of different finished intelligence products including Intelligence Bulletins, Threat Actor Profiles, Underground Pulse, Underground Perspective, and Intelligence Whitepapers.
Intel 471 Spot Reports: Short reports providing breaking news and observations on notable events, actors, malware and possible breach alerts.
Intel 471 Get Alerts Service App
Alerting Functionality on Underground Collections: Intel 471 provides extensive intelligence collection and research across forums, marketplaces and other communication channels (i.e. Telegram, Discord, etc.) in the Cyber Underground. This involves the tracking of threat actor communication and activities, along with the products, tools, services and tactics/techniques/procedures (TTPs).
ThreatConnect can also ingest Intel 471’s customer-initiated requests for information (RFI), intelligence bulletins, vulnerability/CVE Weaponization Report, Profile Summaries, Underground Pulses, Underground Perspectives and Whitepapers, Malware Intelligence Reports, Malware Detection - Yara Rules and IDS Detection, Quarterly Threat Briefings and Month Intelligence Collection Manager calls.
These apps can be found in the ThreatConnect App Catalog under the following names: Intel 471 Adversary Intelligence and Intel 471 Get Alerts.
The integration between ThreatConnect and Intel 471 provides users with two feeds - Adversary Intelligence and Malware Intelligence. By combining Intel 471’s Adversary Intelligence (from the cybercriminal underground) and Malware Intelligence (from malware analysis, campaign tracking and bot emulation) capabilities, this integrated offering provides comprehensive intelligence into threat actors across the globe among the various environments in which they communicate and operate, along with the technical insight into the malware they are developing and using.
Intel 471 Malware Intelligence Job App
Malware Intelligence Reports: In-depth analysis of malware families and features, network traffic, code samples, how to identify and detect, how to decode, extract and parse its configuration, control server(s), encryption keys and campaign IDs.
Malware Indicators: Curated, High-Fidelity Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) Feed – Near-real-time feed of file and network-based indicators from Malware Intelligence for automated ingestion into security systems to block and detect malicious activity from malware.
ThreatConnect can also ingest Intel 471’s customer-initiated requests for information (RFI), intelligence bulletins, vulnerability/CVE Weaponization Report, Profile Summaries, Underground Pulses, Underground Perspectives and Whitepapers, Malware Intelligence Reports, Malware Detection - Yara Rules and IDS Detection, Quarterly Threat Briefings and Month Intelligence Collection Manager calls.
This app can be found in the ThreatConnect App Catalog under the name: Intel 471 Malware Intelligence.
With the Intel 471 Vulnerability Intelligence Job App users can focus on the probability of exploitation of vulnerabilities in the wild via regularly updated reports that track the life cycle of significant vulnerabilities observed in the underground from initial disclosure to exploit weaponization and productization. Vulnerability Intelligence offers an analyst-driven assessment of priority vulnerabilities beyond volumetric keyword hits
Vulnerability Reports: Offer the ability to track significant vulnerabilities to assist patch prioritization and vulnerability management based on what is being discussed, developed, bought and sold, exploited, and productized in the underground.
This app can be found in the ThreatConnect App Catalog under the name: Intel 471 Vulnerability Intelligence.
The Polarity - Intel 471 integration enables analysts to quickly get insights from Intel 471's cyber threat intelligence. Enabling analysts to have insights into the number of associated indicators to reports and sightings. Allowing analysts to make quick and quality decisions about if an indicator is worth more investigation or action.
Intel 471 Integration Data overview
Summary Tags: When searching for indicators in Intel 471's vast cybercrime intelligence data, analysts can quickly get a picture of how the indicator affects their environment. by knowing the number of associated indicators, how many events have been seen, and the number of reports generated about and/or containing the indicator.
Indicator Results: When drilling into the details of an entity an analyst can learn more about each associated indicator. Enabling analysts to quickly get an understanding of what type of indicator, its context, if there is other associated indicators, when it was seen and other associated information. From there the analyst can quickly pivot out to Intel 471 to view additional context.
Report Details: Once looking at the details, analysts can also get an understanding of the report that is associated with the indicator. From the subject of the report to its tags and characterizations. Enabling analysts to have a better understanding of what is being discussed around the indicators searched.