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ThreatConnect Research Roundup: Ryuk and Domains Spoofing ESET and Microsoft

Howdy, and welcome to the ThreatConnect Research Roundup, a collection of recent findings by our Research Team and items from open source publications that have resulted in Observations of related indicators across ThreatConnect’s CAL™ (Collective Analytics Layer).

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Roundup Highlight: Ryuk

In this Roundup, we highlight Incident 20201023A: 20201023A: Ryuk Infrastructure Registered on 10/20/20. ThreatConnect Research identified several probable Ryuk domains based on consistencies with infrastructure identified in Incident 20200930A: Domains Registered Through MonoVM Used with Cobalt Strike and other recent incidents. Those consistencies include naming similarities, registration through NameCheap, and reuse of the same CIDR blocks for hosting. However, those consistencies are not unique and SSL certificates have not been created for most of the domains, nor do we have any information on Cobalt Strike or Bazar communicating with this infrastructure. New SSL certificates or relevant malicious file behavior consistent with the previously identified infrastructure would help increase our confidence in the assessed relationship to Ryuk. The identified infrastructure include the following:

The identified infrastructure includes the following:

viewdrivers[.]com (prev. 188.116.36[.]155, 45.153.240[.]222)

service1updater[.]com (prev. 185.117.75[.]193, 45.153.240[.]178)

godofservice[.]com (prev. 194.36.188[.]154, 45.153.240[.]246)

driverdwl[.]com (prev. 194.36.188[.]45, 45.153.240[.]220)

driver1updater[.]com (45.153.240[.]157)

driver1master[.]com (45.153.240[.]194)

checktodrivers[.]com (45.153.240[.]240)

boost-yourservice[.]com (45.153.240[.]138)

backup1master[.]com (45.153.240[.]136)

backup1helper[.]com (prev. 45.153.240[.]133, 45.153.241[.]1)

We identified several additional possible Ryuk domains based on consistencies with Incident 20200930A. At least two of the domains were also identified in behavioral information for Cobalt Strike executables, similar to those in the aforementioned Incident. The domains’ consistencies include naming similarities, registration through NameCheap, and reuse of the same CIDR blocks for hosting. It should be noted that those consistencies are not unique and most of the identified infrastructure is not hosted on ASNs seen in the previous infrastructure and SSL certificates have not been created for most of the domains. New SSL certificates or relevant malicious file behavior consistent with the previously identified infrastructure would help increase our confidence in the assessed relationship to Ryuk.

The identified infrastructure and files includes the following:

backup-helper[.]com (45.147.229[.]44)

backup-leader[.]com (45.147.229[.]52, Cobalt Strike 4544b478b2029ec38eb4bda111741a10f0684e38f1b29ce092b93df882d11f9e)

backup-simple[.]com (45.147.229[.]68)

bakcup-checker[.]com (45.147.229[.]92)

bakcup-monster[.]com (45.147.230[.]131, Cobalt Strike 2376a8da650c124b3d916765f82929b4109f20bc4f211a39a4d1cd4391780d1f)

boost-servicess[.]com (45.147.230[.]132)

nas-leader[.]com (45.147.230[.]133)

nas-simple-helper[.]com (45.147.230[.]140)

service-checker[.]com (45.147.230[.]141)

service-leader[.]com (45.147.230[.]159)

ThreatConnect Research Team Intelligence: Items recently created or updated in the ThreatConnect Common Community by our Research Team.

Technical Blogs and Reports Incidents with Active and Observed Indicators: Incidents associated to one or more Indicators with an Active status and at least one global Observation across the ThreatConnect community. These analytics are provided by ThreatConnect’s CAL™ (Collective Analytics Layer).

About the Author


By operationalizing threat and cyber risk intelligence, The ThreatConnect Platform changes the security operations battlefield, giving your team the advantage over the attackers. It enables you to maximize the efficacy and value of your threat intelligence and human knowledge, leveraging the native machine intelligence in the ThreatConnect Platform. Your team will maximize their impact, efficiency, and collaboration to become a proactive force in protecting the enterprise. Learn more at