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ThreatConnect Acquires Polarity to Transform How Security Uses Intelligence
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ThreatConnect’s Security Operations Maturity Model

ThreatConnect is out to change the way security works with cybersecurity software that reduces complexity for everyone, makes decision making easy and unifies processes and technology to constantly improve defenses and drive down risk. It’s why we’ve evolved from our heritage as a leading Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP) to deliver a full suite of intelligence-driven SOAR capabilities.

It’s also why we’ve developed a Security Operations Maturity Model to provide a systematic guide to help you understand where your organization resides on the path to fully leveraging the power of a SOAR Platform. Much like our Threat Intelligence Maturity Model (TIMM), our SOAR maturity model helps you identify your current state, allowing you to put a plan in place to progress up the Maturity Model to a more advanced, steady state. The benefits of SOAR are resonating loudly with CISOs and their teams but we find that many don’t know where to get started. Our Security Operations Maturity Model offers general direction on the capabilities you need at each stage, some of the risks and pitfalls to be mindful of, and things you’ll want to consider as you move to the next milestone.

A major problem with security is that many organizations don’t know enough about the threats they face or their own security posture to defend themselves adequately. Instead they’re stuck in a reactive or compliance-driven approach to security with no clear vision or blueprint for reaching any other state. In the rush to keep up with security trends, organizations are purchasing standalone tools that work in silos, making it impossible to achieve a true proactive posture and efficiently orchestrate security solutions and processes to achieve maximum value.

Yet, it’s not enough to implement new controls and technologies around systems. In order to fully harness the power of a true security program, your organization must make the case for an intelligence-driven security approach and identify the right people to staff the program. In order to evolve a defensive posture, you must source the right threat data, sift through the noise, discover and implement the right process and methodologies, implement automation, and improve information sharing both internally between teams and externally with your supply chain partners, peers across the industry, and public organizations.

By using this security maturity model, you can transform from struggling to manage your information security processes to ensuring that you’re fully optimized and functional across the board.

The Security Operations Maturity Model can also be used as a path to metrics and measurement from which you can communicate and visualize improvements with your security program more easily. As your organization progresses from one level to the next, processes will move from unorganized and unstructured to a level where they run smoothly and are continuously optimized.

An organization operating at Level 4 has processes that are automated, documented, and constantly analyzed for optimization. Hopefully at this stage, security is part of the overall company culture. However, reaching this level doesn’t mean that your organization’s maturity has peaked; it means that you are constantly monitoring and evolving your processes to make them better.

To see where your organization fits in the Security Operations Maturity Model, download the infographic, here.


About the Author


By operationalizing threat and cyber risk intelligence, The ThreatConnect Platform changes the security operations battlefield, giving your team the advantage over the attackers. It enables you to maximize the efficacy and value of your threat intelligence and human knowledge, leveraging the native machine intelligence in the ThreatConnect Platform. Your team will maximize their impact, efficiency, and collaboration to become a proactive force in protecting the enterprise. Learn more at