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Jan 14th, 2019
5 Reasons to Mark a False Positive in ThreatConnect
By taking an intelligence-driven approach, we can start to connect the dots in a more interesting fashion ThreatConnect allows you to curate almost every facet of your intelligence — including i
Jan 3rd, 2019
Productivity: Part I
Happy New Year! Whether you are a customer or fan, thank you for joining us on this ride to enable teams to perform above their limits through augmentation with technology. Studies show the most commo
Dec 14th, 2018
Playbook Fridays: Github Activity Monitor
This Playbook is designed to automate the monitoring and alerting of Github activity for a given user ThreatConnect developed the Playbooks capability to help analysts automate time consuming and repe
Dec 7th, 2018
Playbook Fridays: WhatCMS API Playbook
Detect a website’s content management system (CMS) ThreatConnect developed the Playbooks capability to help analysts automate time consuming and repetitive tasks so they can focus on what is mos
Dec 4th, 2018
Polarity – Pulsedive Integration
Polarity’s integration framework can connect to your existing third-party data sources ensuring you have contextual awareness of data from across your organization. Our latest integration is with Pu
Nov 30th, 2018
Playbook Fridays: OneMillion API Component
Using this Playbook Component, incident responders and analysts can check if a given domain exists on any lists of the most frequently visited hostnames ThreatConnect developed the Playbooks capabilit
Nov 28th, 2018
ThreatConnect’s RSA Archer Integration, Playbooks, and Apps (oh my!)
One of our top integration requests has been Playbooks for RSA Archer. Good News: we now have numerous out-of-the-box integration capabilities for connecting RSA Archer and ThreatConnect! These apps a
Nov 16th, 2018
Playbook Fridays: Web Page Monitoring
Monitor a website’s content and get alerts if it changes ThreatConnect developed the Playbooks capability to help analysts automate time consuming and repetitive tasks so they can focus on what
Nov 14th, 2018
ThreatConnect Expands TIP Capabilities with New Automation Not Available in Similar Products
TC Analyze users may significantly increase their automation use cases with integrations November 14, 2018– Arlington, VA – In an effort to address the growing threat intelligence market n
Nov 9th, 2018
Playbook Fridays: Domain Spinning Workbench Spaces App
Gain insight into possible permutations of domain names to indicate suspicious activity and further analysis For this week’s Playbook Fridays post, we’re mixing things up a little. Instead
Nov 6th, 2018
Polarity – VulnDB Integration
Polarity was built to be as versatile as possible, not only enabling a real-time collective memory across teammates, but also extending to any 3rd-party datasource through our integration framework. T
Nov 5th, 2018
ThreatConnect 5.7 Shows Advancements in Playbooks Capabilities
Juggling Priorities and Countless Orchestration Use Cases? We’ve Got Your Back Automation and Orchestration are terms that are thrown around interchangeably and claimed to be supported by just a